WHAT I'M READING WEDNESDAY : The Courage to Be Disliked, by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga1/14/2025 I am cheating by writing this post. I just started this book yesterday, so there's not much to say about it yet, though I do think the idea of being "likeable" is an interesting one. I grew up in a family where what people thought was very important. I remember leaving the house many times and my mother sending me back up to my room to change because I looked like a 'ragamuffin.' (What does that even mean?) The rebel side of me always believed that it didn't matter what people thought. Yet, I think it's not something that's so easy to let go of, nor something that we should let go of completely. Lucy Chambers and I are hosting an upcoming workshop on the book Likeable Badass and she and I both cringed at the word "likeable" in the title. (Clearly the content of the book is better than the title.) According to research, when a man walks into a room he is immediately seen as competent, and a woman is immediately seen is incompetent, until she proves otherwise. Yet if the proving is too strong, there is backlash, and that woman is seen as a b*tch. As an entrepreneur for the last 12 years, it's important that people like me to some degree, or else they won't buy from me. There has to be a level of respect for what I can do, as well as who I am as a person. Though focusing too much on being liked, and not enough on showing my competence, has its downsides too. I can't be a doormat. I have to be willing to set boundaries and say no. All of which is to say that it does take courage to be disliked, and I don't think we can do whatever the hell we want all the time because that has consequences too. A deeper question is whether you like yourself. Do you respect yourself? Are you living by YOUR values, and not by someone else's? That takes courage. Have you read the book? Perhaps you have something more to say... P.S. Lucy and Myriam Hadnes, you both mentioned this book to me in the past couple of months, so thanks for that. You are the reason I started it. Originally posted on LinkedIn with comments. Read Deeper Not Faster
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