In 2024, I was part of the amazing community NeverDoneBefore, where I co-facilitated monthly book-based workshops for the other members. As someone who mostly solo-facilitates, it was an amazing experience to enter the world of co-facilitation. Our design meetings would sometimes start with a spark of an idea from one of us, and then we would ad lib from there, often coming up with something totally out of the realm of what either of us had been thinking at the start. The creativity was endless. With the NDB community now closed, I decided to keep this monthly co-facilitation momentum going. Starting this month, I will be co-hosting a "masterclass" (aka workshop) based on a book each month. These masterclasses will be 100% open to the public (rather than just the NDB members or my clients) and will have a sliding scale payment model. My hope for these masterclasses is many: 💚 continue to grow my facilitation skills as I partner with other seasoned facilitators 💛 boost my creativity as we riff off one another's ideas 🩷 provide additional options for my corporate clients and their employees 💙 grow my network of fellow facilitators as we design together 💜 give non-book-circle peeps an option to experience my work without the long-term commitment of a book circle And so much more. For January, I am co-hosting with the fun and funny Lucy Chambers using the book "Likeable Badass" as our foundation for the masterclass. Lucy, I hope we can have as much fun as we did during our Shark Tank session on conflict. Do you think we can? To all my fellow facilitators, if you'd like to team up with me, and we have never co-facilitated before, it would be an honor. Please drop me a line in the comments or via message. I would love to partner with you! I hope to see you at one soon! Originally posted on LinkedIn with comments. Read Deeper Not Faster
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Hi there!I am Theresa Destrebecq. |